Extractions and Minor Surgies

Taking Care of Yourself After a Tooth is Extracted/minor surgery

The healing process begins immediately after a tooth is extracted, as the body sends blood to nourish the tooth socket. The blood clot soon stabilizes, and acts as a framework for the later growth of new bone and new gum tissue in the area of the extraction. As the normal inflammatory process continues, some soreness and swelling can be expected.

To Do

  • Apply direct pressure to the site, by firmly biting on a folded gauze pad/ cotton ball, as a way of controlling the initial bleeding. After 45min to 1 hour, gently remove the cotton pack, do not replace it or apply any other pack inside the mouth.(In the event of bleeding not stopping, Change the gauze every 45 minutes until the bleeding stops, 3 times max. If after a few hours, the bleeding persists, apply further pressure to the socket by biting on a moistened tea bag. This “old-fashioned remedy” really does work. If the bleeding still does not stop then call us immediately.After pack removal, have one or two Ice-creams (plain without any fruits or nuts that could inadvertently get stuck in the surgical site.) follow it up with one dose of medications as specified by the doctor.
  • Apply ice packs to your face on the side of the extraction to help control swelling. This can be effective for the first 24 – 36 hours.
  • A slightly restricted diet for the first few days after extraction will help to minimize irritation to the site. Avoid Hot, hard, or spicy food.
  • Diet should be Soft, bland, and cool Also, drink plenty of fluids for the first few days.
  • Take pain reducing medication as needed. This may be a specific prescription, depending on your situation be or over-the-counter medicine. Also, if you are given a prescription for an antibiotic, be sure to take it as directed, for the full number of days prescribed.
  • Warm salt water rinses, 4 – 5 times a day, starting 24 hours after the extraction, will help to keep the area clean and reduce the soreness.
  • Head High position while sleeping it is better in order to reduce bleeding and swelling, use one or two extra pillows. If you have spondylitis and can’t use extra pillows then you can place the same under your mattress raising your head side without much straining your neck. You can brush the next day morning avoiding the surgical site, remember not to rinse or gargle.

Not To Do

  • Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after an extraction. Smoking will interfere with early healing, cause persistent bleeding, and can cause infection and other problems.
  • Do not rinse or spit for the first 24 hours. You do not want to dislodge the blood clot. This is the most important instruction among all.
  • Talk as minimal as possible for the next 24 hrs following surgery.
  • Do not chew anything hard or crunchy in the area for 6 – 8 weeks. Things like popcorn kernels and hard food debris can easily “get stuck” in the socket.
  • Do not brush your teeth in the immediate area of the extraction for the first 24 hours. Then, be a little gentle for the first few days to avoid trauma to the area. Of course, it’s very important to brush and floss normally everywhere else, and keep your mouth as clean as possible.
  • Avoid vigorous blowing of nose or hold sneezing as much as possible especially if a surgical procedure has been done on your upper jaws.
  • Do not suck or put your tongue to the surgical site.
  • Do not try to open your mouth wide, it may stress your sutures.

Any questions, concerns, or problems? Please contact us as soon as possible!

Expected Complications

  • Pain– It is normal to experience pain following extraction or surgery for the 1st day or two later, then on it would taper down to being just a discomfort then on for another day or so.
  • Bleeding– You may experience mild oozing of blood on the first day of extraction/surgery, there is nothing to be worried about the same.
  • Swelling– for the 1st two days after extraction is quite a common finding. Surgical procedures generally induce more swelling, generally increasing for the first 2-3 days, remaining steady for the next 2-3 days and subsequently reducing back to normal in next 2-3 days .
  • Difficulty opening the mouth– is another common finding especially associated with Third molar surgical removals. This usually becomes normal in a week or two.
  • Fever– on the day or the next of surgery is also normal and generally the medication given takes care of the same.
  • Numbness– Of lips or tongue is not a routine after 3rd molar surgeries or may or may not be secondary to the surgery, you have underwent. Majority of the cases it is transient and will revert back to normal in a matter of few weeks to months. If it persists or is very severe then immediate corrective measures are mandated.
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