How to care for your new Dental Implant

After implants have been placed, it’s important to follow these recommendations during the healing period, Please read before section on Post Extraction and Minor Surgery section before continuing as they are applicable following implant almost as much.

General care
To control minor bleeding after surgery, apply moderate pressure with gauze pads or a clean, moist tea bag wrapped in a gauze pad. If you usually wear removable appliances, such as dentures or partial dentures, we may advise you not to wear them while the implant sites heal.

Medication and discomfort
Take antibiotics or other medications only as directed.

To reduce discomfort or swelling for several days after surgery, use ice packs. It’s normal for your gums to be sore and swollen for several days. Beginning 24 hours after surgery, rinse your mouth three times a day for two weeks with warm salt water. Use about 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water. Swish very gently so you don’t disturb the implant sites.

Chewing and eating
Avoid chewing until the numbness from the anesthetic has completely worn off. If we placed any temporary restorations, avoid chewing for at least one half-hour to allow the temporary cement to set. Limit your diet to soft foods like yogurt, cottage cheese, soups, softcooked eggs, and ground meat for the first several months after surgery. Do not chew hard, crusty foods. Also avoid very hot or spicy foods until your gums are healed.

How to care for the new restoration on your implant
After final restorations have been placed, it’s important to follow these recommendations to ensure long-term success:

Chewing and eating
If we used an anesthetic during the procedure, avoid chewing until the numbness has completely worn off. Avoid hard chewing and grinding because these habits can damage implants and their restorations. If this is a continuing problem, we may need to adjust the restorations or have you wear a nightguard.

Brushing and flossing
Brush and floss around the implants thoroughly but gently. We may also recommend special floss, brushes, mouth rinses, or other cleaning aids to keep the area free of bacteria.

Medication and discomfort
Take antibiotics or other medications only as directed. To reduce any discomfort or swelling, rinse your mouth three times a day with warm salt water. Use about 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water. It’s normal for your gums to be sore and swollen for a few days.

About tobacco
Avoid using any tobacco products. Ideally, you should quit altogether because using tobacco increases the risk that your body will reject the implants.

When to call us
Call us if your restorations feel loose so that we can tighten them.

Call our office if you have persistent discomfort or if you have any other questions or concerns.

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